Friday, March 11, 2011

Myco-phyto Complex is a combination of Six powerful mushrooms working
 together to help cancer patients and others  regain healthy immune systems.

This formula has the potential to:

  • Support the immune system
  • Help to prevent cancer
  • Counteract the toxicity of chemotherapy and radiation treatment
  • Sustain remission
  • Prolong the lifespan of cancer patients
  • Kill cancer cells
  • Shrink tumors
  • Help to keep breast cancer cells from invading and

In an in vitro study, researchers found that MycoPhyto Complex thwarted
highly invasive human breast cancer cells (specifically, MDA-MB 231
breast cancer cells) in several distinct ways.             It:

·        Interrupted the normal cell cycle, to stop the cancer cells from
·        Inhibited cell adhesion, so cancer cells couldn’t group together to
      form bigger tumors.
·        Put a stop to the cancer cells invading the healthy cells.
·        Hampered cancer cell migration

When cancer cells can’t band together to form tumors, invade other cells,
or migrate throughout the body, it decreases the risk the
cancer will metastasize—and increases the chances that the cancer
can be eradicated.

In vitro studies are test tube or research studies, but not studies in a
living being, which is called in vivo.  Though all the in vitro studies here
look promising, we still need placebo controlled double blind in vivo
studies to be performed.  Those are expensive and complicated when there is
no drug patent and no money to be recouped with patent approval.

Nevertheless the studies which are available are quite promising
enough so to consider this product a good adjunct treatment for cancer or
other immune system challenges.

Following is a discussion of the properties
of the various mushroom  extracts in this formula.

Mushroom extract #1CORIOLUS VERSICOLOR

This is known as Karawatake in Japan.  One of the compounds in this
 mushroom has been patented as a pharmaceutical anti-cancer drug in Japan.
Two key components of this mushroom have been studied vigorously against
 cancer: kureha (also known as PSK, for polysaccharide kureha) and PSP
 (polysaccharide peptide), which has been the subject of Phase II and
 Phase III clinical trials in China. Those two compounds are believed to
 be the power behind Coriolus versicolor’s effectiveness.

 Let’s take a look at just a few of the studies.

One study found that adding PSK to chemotherapy consistently doubled
 the five-year survival rate for patients with advanced stomach cancer.
An eight-year placebo-controlled trial of 111 patients who’d undergone
 curative surgery for colon cancer found that those in the PSK group had
 “a significantly higher survival rate” than the patients in the placebo

Japanese researchers studied PSK (a product called Krestin) in patients
 who’d undergone conventional treatment for non-small cell lung cancer
 (NSCLC), and at the five-year mark, nearly four times as many people in
 the PSK group were still alive compared to the placebo group.
In another study on NSCLC, researchers found that 28 days of treatment
 with PSP slowed disease progression, and substantially improved the white
 blood cell counts and body fat percentages of the patients in the PSP
 group, verses  the placebo group.

Coriolus versicolor studies have shown that this mushroom—thanks in part
 to its key compounds—helps activate the natural killer (NK) cells that
 can help protect your body from foreign invaders, including cancer cells.
 And PSK seems to help increase the number of T-lymphocytes (T-cells),
 powerful members of your body’s disease-fighting team. The  PSK compound
 also appears to increase production of special tumor-infiltrating cells
 known as B-lymphocytes.

Chemotherapy and radiation may kill off cancer cells, but they can also
 do damage to some healthy cells. Adding medicinal mushrooms to the
 treatment regimen may add a layer of protection allowing patients to get
 through these trying treatments more easily. One animal study found that
 PSK seemed to prevent damage to healthy cells during specific
 chemotherapy treatment.

 Mushroom Extract #2-REISHI

 Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) has been used for more than 2000 years
in traditional Chinese medicine for respiratory, cardiovascular, and liver
support. The reishi mushroom also brings specific cancer-fighting powers to
the formula, especially fighting leukemia and lymphoma, breast, prostate,
and colon cancers. It is generally known for its adaptogenic properties,
which means it brings balance to your immune system

 The Japanese government has officially listed Reishi as a cancer-fighting
substance. In vitro studies have shown this mushroom to have anti-tumor
properties.  It seems to be especially effective in battling breast cancer
cells. One in vitro study found that reishi could stop the MCF-7 cell cycle,
and bring on apoptosis (cell death). Another in vitro study showed that
reishi suppressed the growth of highly invasive MDA-MB-231 breast cancer

An in vitro study found Reishi could keep highly invasive PC-3 prostate
cancer cells  (and breast cancer cells) from migrating. Another in vitro
study showed  reishi could kill off colon cancer cells. Another in vitro
study  found that reishi could also induce apoptosis (cell death) in
leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma cells. Reishi also seems to protect
cancer patients from the harmful side of cancer treatment, specifically against radiation therapy.

Mushroom #3- AGARICUS BLAZE ( Mushroom of the Sun)

This mushroom has both immune-building and cancer-destroying properties.
Among these mushrooms, it contains the most beta-1,3-glucan—a phytochemical
known for supporting the immune system.

It helps destroy tumors by blocking their supply lines—it keeps them from
forming new blood vessels, so they can’t get the nutrients they need to

An animal study found that active compounds in Agaricus blazei helped
prevent mice from getting cancer by stimulating cancer-killing T-cells.

A human trial showed that an Agaricus blazei extract improved the quality of
life and boosted natural killer cell action in women undergoing chemotherapy for cervical, ovarian, or endometrial cancer.


This mushroom offers liver support and is believed to improve vital
 energy.  Cordyceps sinesis contains powerful compounds that inhibit tumor
growth and also increase the immune system’s ability to fight tumors.


This mushroom supports the liver, is often used to improve circulation and immune support in the pelvic area. Polyporus umbellatus contains cytotoxic compounds (meaning they kill cancer cells), and has been shown (in animal studies) to be effective against bladder and liver cancers.


This mushroom is best known for its ultra-powerful Maitake  D-Fraction, 

In addition to its anti-cancer effects, maitake boosts your immune system in several ways:

  • Activates NK-Cells so they can attack with full force.
  • Stimulates TNF-Alpha (tumor necrosis factor, which damages blood
     vessels created by tumors)
  • Increases the number of helper T-Cells

MycoPhyto Complex comes in two forms, capsules and powder, so you can choose
whichever is easier for you to use.

The powder is made to be used as a tea, and  can be mixed  into boiling
water, and left to steep  for a few minutes before drinking (for full benefit, make sure you consume even the particles that haven’t dissolved). For the best results, take
MycoPhyto Complex on an empty stomach, at least thirty minutes before
 eating and two hours after eating.

 For immune support using the capsules, the suggested loading dose is three
 capsules, two times a day for two weeks. After that, the dose decreases to
1-2 capsules daily.

For immune support using the powder, the recommendation is one-half scoop,
twice a day for two weeks, then switch to one-half scoop once or twice each

For active disease-fighting support:
Using capsules- suggested loading dose is 6 capsules, 2-3 times each day for
1-2 months.
After that, the standard dose is 3-6 capsules, twice a day.

Using the powder, the loading dose is one full scoop, taken 2-3 times daily
for 1-2 months. Following that, the standard dose is 1-2 scoops taken
once or twice each day.

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